
FinnFest Week

FinnFest Week

It’s that magical time of the year when FinnFest is held somewhere in the world. It is a time for the Finnish-American, Finnish, and friends of Finland communities to come together to share Finnish culture. It is a time for making new connections, reuiniting with old ones, and injecting excitement into projects going on involving Finnish and Finnish-American culture. The last time Duluth hosted FinnFest, it was 2008.

If you are heading up this year or a coming year to the Duluth area for FinnFest, here is a short list of things I recommend you check out!

Return to the Tupa

I have been a member of the Ladies of Kaleva (Kalevan Naiset) Aallottaren tupa #15 since fall 2017 after I had been invited by one of its members. I remember wondering what the group was all about and if I would enjoy being part of this Finnish group -- MN is lucky to have so many!

During my first meeting I was greeted with much enthusiasm as I learned that we refer to one another as sisters and that at least a little bit of Finnish is used in every meeting.