
FinnFest 2023 wrap up and thoughts

FinnFest 2023 wrap up and thoughts

Well, that was quite the weekend in Duluth (or 5 days, if you were one of the lucky ones to participate in all 5 days of programming!). FinnFest is a time to make new connections, while saying Terve! to the people you know well already. It is never the same year to year, but it is always a powerful driver of new connections and edification of continued ones.

This FinnFest was arguably the most fruitful for me personally. It was the first one since attending as a teenager where the festival was open to me to explore without strong affiliation to any one particular organization. I was a vapaa lintu (free bird) and I loved it. As expected, familiar faces were around every corner, but there were also many new folks to meet — Finns and friends of Finland alike.

FinnFest Week

FinnFest Week

It’s that magical time of the year when FinnFest is held somewhere in the world. It is a time for the Finnish-American, Finnish, and friends of Finland communities to come together to share Finnish culture. It is a time for making new connections, reuiniting with old ones, and injecting excitement into projects going on involving Finnish and Finnish-American culture. The last time Duluth hosted FinnFest, it was 2008.

If you are heading up this year or a coming year to the Duluth area for FinnFest, here is a short list of things I recommend you check out!