
Happy Midsummer! || Iloista juhannusta!

Happy Midsummer! || Iloista juhannusta!

It is finally that most special time of the year again — juhannus! Last year, I had a few Finnish and Finnish-American friends up to our family’s cabin in Northwest Wisconsin. It was delightful. Here are a few photos from that most magical weekend.

How are you spending your juhannus this year?

Return to the Tupa

I have been a member of the Ladies of Kaleva (Kalevan Naiset) Aallottaren tupa #15 since fall 2017 after I had been invited by one of its members. I remember wondering what the group was all about and if I would enjoy being part of this Finnish group -- MN is lucky to have so many!

During my first meeting I was greeted with much enthusiasm as I learned that we refer to one another as sisters and that at least a little bit of Finnish is used in every meeting.