Painting with the blueberry filling before making blueberry cardamom bread!
After I posted two new recipes to the site a few weeks ago (lohipihvit + minikardemummakakut), I noticed that they were very appreciated. That got me thinking that it might be nice to solicit recipes from our online community to help build out our recipe section. Also, to add a place on our site for people to request particular recipes. So, I set about this task this week to see it through — oh the joys of being able to manage the website simply and independently from my phone or computer!
So, what would you like to see added to the Luumu recipe section, even if you don't have a recipe for it yourself yet?
A barebones recipe I recorded in second grade in the quote books we made in school. There are some real keepers in here!
Or, do you have a recipe to share? How did you end up with it? I am hoping that you may consider submitting family recipes and other recipes that have warm memories associated with them. Preferably recipes that you yourself have made and succeeded with! If you have a recipe or few that fit that bill, please send it our way via email! We would also love to hear what this recipe means to you.
Although we likely don't have the capacity to post all of them and won't be able to post more than three variations of the same food item (it just gets to be too much), we will do our best to add submissions to the site gradually, to ensure they get eyes on them one by one. We will also try out each recipe before posting, so that we understand the process, in case anyone has any questions as they make and bake!
Kiitos avusta! Thanks for the help!
Blueberry cardamom bread — an invented recipe and somehow I haven’t gotten to posting this yet! It was delicious!