
Recipe request

Recipe request

After I posted two new recipes to the site a few weeks ago, I noticed that they were very appreciated. That got me thinking that it might be nice to solicite recipes from our online community to help build out our recipe section. Also, to add a place on our site for people to request particular recipes. So, I set about this task this week to see it through — oh the joys of being able to manage the website simply and independently from my phone or computer!

So, what would you like to see added to the Luumu recipe section, even if you don't have a recipe for it yourself yet? Or do you have a recipe to share?

Collaboration is Key

Collaboration is Key

The past few years have been a balancing act. As wonderful as it is to own a small business, it can also be a challenge as you navigate relationships and make decisions about career and associated risk. When I started Luumu at the end of summer 2017, many people thought I was opening a bakery. I knew from the beginning that maintaining a brick and mortar bakery store would not be a good fit for my life's ambitions. That is the beauty of owning your own business — you get to make your own decisions.