
How to Succeed in Business without Stepping on Others

How to Succeed in Business without Stepping on Others

I have been reflecting about what it means to be a business owner in America ever since I started Luumu in 2017, but aside from a few conversations with other women who are frustrated by our hyper-competitive system and a few men who, although may think they know what goes on behind the scenes in female-female professional relationships, are really unable to truly understand – and no, the movie Mean Girls hardly scratches the surface!

Instead of posting the very personal narrative I first typed up about my situation this morning, I will save that instead for another time – maybe even a book – who knows?! What you will find below is a wholly unemotional guide to succeeding in business – ok, so I tried. May you find it insightful!

Finns aren’t “happy” like we think of it here in the US. They are simply content.

Finns aren’t “happy” like we think of it here in the US. They are simply content.

For a number of years various news companies have attempted to rank the world’s happiness country by country. You’ve probably seen the numerous reports that I am referring to. Through the course of this, Finland has either ranked near the top or at the very top. This is great for Finland’s global brand, bringing more attention to this small, but mighty country, but with that it also adds to tourism, research-funding, business interest, etc. Most importantly of all though, is that it is good for the people of Finland to be happy (and know it) and it allows people like me to point out that clearly Finland is doing something(s) better. I love to debate – especially when it involves sharing with people how awesome Finland is!