suomen kieli

Leveling up - tips and tricks for Finnish language study

Leveling up - tips and tricks for Finnish language study

Becoming fluent in Finnish is admittedly challenging. It can take years of dedication and perseverence — aka, sisu! That being said, I don’t believe that people are either good at language learning or not. I think that when a skill is taken seriously and time is spent on it, it is possible to master almost anything. I have had many friends who have been frustrated that they feel like they know and understand quite a lot of Finnish and maybe have attended several beginning or even intermediate group classes, but still haven’t advanced their Finnish language skills significantly past the intermediate stage. As a life-long learner and teacher of Finnish myself, who did not grow up in a Finnish-speaking family, I can share with you what I did to help my fluency significantly, while I was at that most frustrating stage between beginner and highly proficient. There is nothing easy about these methods, but as they say things that are easy aren’t always the most worthy endeavors anyway.

Studying the Finnish language: some sisu required

Studying the Finnish language: some sisu required

How does one obtain proficiency in the language that is cited as “difficult”? Although there are many ways to approach a “difficult” language, I have found in my 20 years studying Finnish that the number one quality one must have in order to obtain a working proficiency is: sisu. Sisu is, of course, a Finnish word described as “extraordinary determination, courage and resoluteness in the face of extreme adversity. An action mindset which enables individuals to reach beyond their present limitations, take action against all odds and transform barriers into frontiers. An integral element of Finnish culture and also a universal capacity which we all share.” (SISUlab)

If you do not think that it takes at least a little sisu to learn Finnish as a second language, then you probably have not tried to learn it yet.