Finnish America

Mapping Finnish America

Mapping Finnish America

Calling all Finns and friends of Finnish America!

As a Geographer and curious mind, I searched for a visual database of Finnish American places. After looking and not finding anything comprehensive, I set out in September 2022 to create an approachable map of places with Finnish connections in the United States and Canada. “Places” include city/town names, homesteads, museums, cultural institutions, churches, historic sites, and anything else with an inherent Finnish connection. I have added more places of interest over time sourced from personal travels, Finns in Minnesota (Alanen, A.), They Chose Minnesota (Riippa, T.), and DeLorme gazetteers of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

The goal is to compile a comprehensive collection of locations with Finnish connection in the United States and Canada. I am open to anything with a relevant connection. Now, I am calling on others to help add additional places to the map. Take some time to review the map and digest the locations currently pinned.