
Christmas in Oulu

Christmas in Oulu

My second winter as a student in Oulu, I spent the entire Christmas break with my adopted friendship family, the Hannus family. When they picked me up from my student apartment complex near the university, I was ready to go. It had mostly cleared out for the break time with students scattering around the world, until studies resumed again in January.

Excerpts from Study Abroad: Joulu edition

Excerpts from Study Abroad: Joulu edition

Merry Christmas! Well, Christmas Eve at least! I am baking pulla with Nastya. Basically no one is here in Lapinkaari. That is ok. It makes using the kitchen much easier and I can sing in my room. On Thursday, I went out to the Turtola shopping area. Not as big as Lielahti, but still nice. I bought some ribbon that wasn’t on sale and then got some just like it at Tiimari in Tulintori for 70% off. Well, lets just say I’ll have enough “Hyvää joulua” ribbon for a while.