What is Finnfluence?

When you become interested in something relatively niche - say a country of 5.54 million like Finland - its people, languages, and cultures - you may feel like not many understand that or care to know what you know. However, it has come to my attention throughout my involvement with Finland, that this is simply not the case. Finland is definitely having a moment and has been for quite awhile. I am not sure if I can trace it back to a single point in time, but there have been waves throughout my life where Finland has popped into the news, Finnish design has appeared in unexpected places, or Finnish music transcends borders and ends up in the spotlight.

Enter: Finnfluence - a concept Luumu — Finnish Living defines as being both simultaneously shaped by influence from Finland and in so living, influence others to take note of Finland on a consistent basis and integrate certain elements of Finnish culture into their own lives. Finnfluence is highly contagious and has been known to be genetic, but not exclusively and being a certain percentage Finnish, does not automatically qualify you to be a Finnfluencer. In fact, some of the most Finnfluenced people I know are not ethnically Finnish at all or at least didn’t come by their Finnfluence via family interest, but rather because they caught the Finland bug via another interest that pairs well with what Finland offers, of which there are many!

Some common symptoms of Finnfluence include people complimenting you on something you are wearing for the third time this month and the Finnfluenced say “Thanks! This is from Finland too.” or perhaps, on a deeper level, being told that they are a strong person as they muddle through intensely challenging life situations without throwing in the towel. Common side-effects of Finnfluence include studying Finnish, going to live in FInland for a period of time to work or study, and spending a summer (or few) teaching the next generation Finnish language and cultural practices. There have also been several reports of general happiness!

We have been nominating and highlighting Finnfluencers since September with intent to continue into 2024 and beyond. Finnfluencers are chosen based not on how Finnish they declare themselves to be, but rather, the way they have embedded Finnish culture and often times language into their life through daily habits and community-serving pursuits. For example, many of the Finnfluencers highlighted so far have been integral parts of community organizations that practice living culture - such as Salolampi - Finnish Language Village, Finnish-American Historical Society, Finlandia Foundation National local chapters, Finnish American Cultural Activities of MN, and have been part of hosting Finnish conversation hours in person and online.

Meet and learn more about the Finnfluencers

September 2023: Joe “Seppo” Autio

October 2023: Annalisa “Lyyli” Kovanen

November 2023: Chris “Risto” Durden

December 2023: Kathryn Branson

It is through highlighting these Finnfluencers that we hope to offer both appreciation for these individuals as role models, as well as, fuel Finnspiration for others to become increasingly curious about what makes Finland, Finland’s languages, and its cultures so fascinating.

Are you under the Finnfluence? Who inspires your curiosity about and appreciation of Finnish ways of living?