My Favorite Finnish Cultural Trait

Nordic Ball in Minneapolis 2019

Nordic Ball in Minneapolis 2019

One of my favorite Finnish traits is that if someone makes a promise to another person, they follow through with it. The reason I am drawn to this trait likely has to do with the fact that I myself am a direct communicator. I find that direct communication gets things done more efficiently and with more trust and genuineness.

For example, I also have enjoyed knowing that if a Finn invites me to coffee or to stay with them in Chicago or Helsinki, they mean it. It is not just a simple pleasantry like we tend to use frequently and without much thought. The "Oh, we should [insert social activity here] together sometime!" can be thrown about so casually and without consequence. Here, we are supposed to know that they likely don't really mean to follow through with the idea. How confusing!

One of my favorite stories about this trait is one I heard while studying in Oulu, Finland. It was a story told by a German woman living in Finland for all of her adult life. She relayed to me that when she was younger, she met a young Finnish man at a dance party in Germany. They spent time together, but eventually he had to go. When he left, he asked her to wait for him and said he would be back for her after his studies. And guess what, a degree in hand, he came back for her after 3 years away. Adorable!

Alas, this trait does not always carry over to Finnish-Americans, but does for the most part apply to Finns who grew up in Finland and most people I know (Finnish or otherwise), who have spent considerable time there working and/or studying. I know this trait is personally important to me because if for some reason I fall short of a commitment, no matter how insignificant it may seem, it irritates me. I become disappointed in myself. I feel an obligation to make up for it. That being said, embracing the trait has allowed me to be more in tune with my limitations. No longer do I need to say a weak "yes" when asked if I can help with something. I can consider it and if I am unable or unwilling I say no, because I know that if I say yes and then don't follow through, it will not be ok for me and often not ok for my Finnish friends, colleagues, and business associates.

Baking with expat Jenna in Chicago. She invited me to visit and I believed her! What a fun trip!

Baking with expat Jenna in Chicago. She invited me to visit and I believed her! What a fun trip!

Have you had any experience with this trait, either for yourself or from others? Share about it below!

— Elizabeth “Helvi” Brauer

