Squeeky Bread Cheese | LeipäJuusto

Leipäjuusto fresh out of the oven!

Leipäjuusto fresh out of the oven!


Leipäjuusto | Bread Cheese

1 gallon organic whole milk, non-homogenized

2 cups and 2 tablespoons powdered milk

2.5 teaspoons salt

3.75 tabs of Junket rennet


1. Warm milk a bit under body temp (about 35 ˚C / 95 ˚F).

2. Whisk the powdered milk into the warm milk, and add the salt and rennet.

3. Let the mixture rest in a warm place until the milk is thickened and the curd has formed (at least 10 min)

4. Cut the curd in a checkerboard pattern with a long knife.

5. Let the milk sit in a warm place until the whey appears on top of the curd.

6. Move the curd by slotted spoon in small batches into a cheesecloth-lined strainer over a deep dish that can catch the whey and press lightly.

7. When most of the whey has dripped out of the curd, place a pie tin over the curd and carefully flip the cheese curd into the tin and carefully remove the cheesecloth (put the cheesecloth back into the strainer for reuse if needed)

8. Adjust the rack in the oven so that it is a few inches from the top (if your broiler is on the top of oven)

9. Dump out the whey that has leaked out into the cheese pans.

10. Turn on the broiler in the oven.

11. Put cheese pans two or less rounds at a time into the oven on the top rack.

12. Carefully watch the cheese checking every two minutes or so for browning.

13. When it gets brown or there is a lot of whey visible in the pan, carefully remove the cheese pans and tip carefully over the sink to get rid of the whey, holding the cheese securely with a spatula.

14. When the cheese is browned, flip the cheese over by placing another pie tin of the same size over the top of the hot cheese pan and swiftly yet carefully flip over the cheese.

15. Brown the other side in the broiler, checking every few minutes so that it doesn’t burn.

16. Tip off extra whey.

17. Cut into small triangles and serve warm with cloudberry jam.

18. Refrigerate the extras.

Store remaining cheese that will not be eaten in the next two days in gallon-size freezer baggies leaving as little air in the bags as possible. Cheese can be deeply frozen for up to one year. When ready to serve again, thaw in the refrigerator and warm in the microwave or in a small cast iron fry pan on the stove or over a fire.


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