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Joulu on jo ovella (at least in Minnesota)

Singing with Santa and his accordion playing more than just an elf at Kauneimmat joululaulut in 2019.

Christmas seems, at this point, to be right around the corner - at least in Minneapolis. Although I am not setting up extra Christmas decorations and decorating the tree quite yet, the weather has taken a turn to be chilly and we are expecting our first local snow tomorrow. I leave some things up year round, because tontut (elves) and the Swedish ljusstake (candlabra) have their spots in my apartment and should not be boxed the majority of the year, in my opinion. I am really looking forward to mixing this season up a bit more than I have been able to the past few years with a focus on creating collective experiences, more homemade consumable and personal gifts, and just keeping more connected and engaged than the throes of the pandemic have allowed in recent times.

In Finland, Christmas celebrations start earlier than in some other places. As the home of Joulupukki (Santa Claus), it makes sense to me that Christmas is a big deal in Finland. Although Rovaniemi probably has the most consistency and abundance, the Christmas spirit and artifacts can be found nearly year round. I got a message from my friend Herkko in Helsinki over a month ago that there were Christmas decorations and products up in several stores.

Home of Santa Claus in Napapiiri, Finland (September 2nd, 2011)

In the US we have several holiday buffers in between summer and Christmas, so many feel that we can’t start celebrating Christmas until after Thanksgiving, but as it turns darker and colder, I am all for anything that brings light, activities to keep one busy, and something to look forward to! I know I need it!

This season, I am teaching two in-person classes at the American Swedish Institute in November, hosting a Finnish culture and language-themed member night for the 612 Sauna Society mid-November (more details TBD), as well as, participating in the Finnish Choir at the Nordic Choirs Christmas Concert celebration. I invite you to join us for any and all of these, here in Minneapolis and Duluth.

ASI always brings out the decorations for the Christmas season.

classes at ASI:

Joulu 101: Finnish Christmas Workshop

Joululaulut: Finnish Christmas Sing-along

Visit the instructor page, for all upcoming classes taught by, Elizabeth “Helvi” Brauer via ASI.

ASI also decorates rooms every year to represent the various Nordic countries. Anita Jain has decorated the Finnish room for the past several years. This year, Anita will transform one of the mansion’s rooms into an immersive, mossy landscape straight out of a Finnish fairytale. Tia Keobounpheng will also install an impressive Himmeli to contribute to the decorations elsewhere in the mansion! Tia studied under famed himmeli designer Eija Koski this fall in Finland. I look forward to viewing Anita’s and Tia’s installations this year at ASI, starting November 11th and running through January 7th!

the Ad HOc Finnish Choir:

Nordic Christmas Choirs event at Mindekirken in December 2019

The Nordic Choirs Christmas Concert will take place on Sunday, December 17th at 2p at Mindekirken in Minneapolis - nextdoor to Norway House. There will be one in-person rehersal on Saturday, December 16th. To sign up for more information about joining the ad hoc Finnish choir in Minneapolis, email Eeva (director) and Susanna (administrator) at

the 612 Sauna Society Cooperative:

Cristina and Vanessa representing 612 Sauna Society at Kauneimmat joululaulut in 2019.

The 612 Sauna Society will be hosting sauna sessions throughout the winter season at a variety of public locations in the 612 area code. The season is up and running at Silverwood Park and we’ll continue our season for the bulk of the season at the Trailhead in Theodore Wirth Park. Check out our cooperative’s website and Facebook or Instagram accounts for dates and times. You do not need to be a member of the cooperative to make a reservation and enjoy the sauna - although members are pretty great and receive dividends and other perks of membership, so consider joining as a member. See you on the bench!

Pikkujoulu in Duluth:

Pikkujoulu food in 2018

Don’t forget to reserve a table with your friends!

Pikkujoulu 2018

It’s the 42nd Annual Christrmas meal and program - organized by the MN Finnish-American Historical Society - Lakehead Chapter of Duluth, taking place on Sunday, December 3rd at 12:30p at the Holiday Inn in Downtown Duluth. Beatrice Ojakangas will be the guest speaker this year! Tickets are on sale until November 28th from Donna Iisakka (218) 590 8655, Anja Bottila (218) 380 0811, or Arlene Putikka Tucker (218) 289 5080 or via mailed form and check.

Kauneimmat joululaulut:

Annual Christmas carol sing-along, hosted by Finlandia Foundation National, Twin Cities Chapter with support from Finnish American Cultural Activities (FACA) at St Michael’s Church in Roseville, Minnesota on Saturday, December 9th at 2p. Guest musicians will include: Sara Pajunen, Mark Sedio, and Osmo Vänskä. Following the singing service, there will also be a Christmas market until 5p, including a selection of gifts, as well as, coffee and treats for sale.

Winter Workshops with Luumu:

To sign your friends, family, and colleagues up for some Christmas baking or crafting workshops this season or any season, check out our options and send us an email so we can set something up! We’d love to add you to our calendar to create some joulu spirit together!

For those of you that are curious about or enjoy Finnish Christmas music, Jouluradio (Finnish Christmas radio) is streamable online already starting November 1st (next week!).

Know of any Finnish Christmas season event in Minnesota that we didn’t include above? Share it with us below or consider submitting it to the community events calendar managed by Finlandia Foundation National - Twin Cities via FinnSource.

Iloista joulukautta!

Winter is a great season to pick up a new or continue with a favorite hobby. We teach knitting classes for those that would like to engage in one of the most cozy and practical hobbies out there!

Teaching children Finnish Christmas songs is always a fun time!

Stay cozy this winter!